
A simple static website generator

Serum v1.0.0 Released

Friday, 3 May 2019 Tags: newsrelease

The first commit in 2016, lots of codes, lots of changes, lots of improvements, …and finally, I’m so excited to announce the release of Serum v1.0.0!

Many thanks to those who have shown their interests in this project for a long time, and especially, to those who have contributed to Serum through issues and pull requests on GitHub! 🎉🎉🎉

What’s Next?


Supporting themes has been the most wanted feature of Serum for a long, long time. However, I could not implement this because the quality of its code base was not so good. For recent several months, lots of codes got through massive overhaul and refactoring, and now it has became more feasible to implement Serum Themes™. Supports for themes will become available before Serum v1.1.0 or v1.2.0.

“Awesome Serum”

Also, I’m planning to make a handcrafted list of user-created Serum plugins. If you created some awesome plugins, and if you want anyone around the world to try your plugins, publish them to and let me know!