
A simple static website generator

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Project Definition

About 4 minutes to read

Every Serum project has a file named serum.exs right under the project’s root directory. This file indicates that the containing directory is a Serum project directory, and it contains various metadata and options which are used while Serum builds the project. This document describes how to configure your own serum.exs file properly.


Below is an example of serum.exs. Note that the code in this file must be evaluated to a map.

  site_name: "Serum",
  site_description: "A simple static website generator",
  author: "John Doe",
  author_email: "",
  base_url: "/~john/sample/",
  server_root: "",

  posts_source: "posts",
  posts_path: "blog",
  tags_path: "blog/tags",
  date_format: "{D} {Mshort} {YYYY}",
  list_title_all: "All Posts",
  list_title_tag: "Posts Tagged \"~s\"",
  pagination: true,
  posts_per_page: 10,
  preview_length: {:chars, 200},

  plugins: [
    {Serum.Plugins.LiveReloader, only: :dev}

  theme: Serum.Themes.Essence

Website Identification

  • site_name (string, required)

    The name (title) of your website.

  • site_description (string, required)

    A short description of your website.

  • author (string, required)

    The name of the website author.

  • author_email (string, required)

    The email address of the website author.

  • base_url (string, required)

    The root path of the website on the web server. For example, if you want to make the front page of the website accessible from, you must set this property to /~user/site1/.

    Make sure you append a slash (/) at the end of the value, or build will fail with a validation error.

  • server_root (string, optional)

    This is useful when you need to build an absolute URL of a page. It must start with http:// or https://.

Blog Configuration

  • posts_source (string, optional)

    Path to a directory which holds source files for your blog posts. Defaults to "posts".

  • posts_path (string, optional)

    Path in a output directory which your rendered blog posts will be written to. Defaults to the value of :posts_source. (i.e. the default value will be "posts" if the value of :posts_source is not explicitly given.)

  • tags_path (string, optional)

    Path in an output directory which the tag pages will be written to. Defaults to "tags".

  • date_format (string, optional)

    Determines how the date and time should be represented in blog posts and blog post lists. It uses the default formatting language of Timex. Please read this documentation for detailed explanation of the formatting syntax.

    If this property is not defined or invalid, Serum will fall back to "{YYYY}-{0M}-{0D}".

  • list_title_all (string, optional)

    Sets the title text of “all posts” list page. If not given, "All Posts" will be used as the default title string.

  • list_title_tag (string, optional)

    Defines title text format of tag-filtered list page. The default format is "Posts Tagged ~s". Note that you must put exactly one ~s in the format string, as this is the placeholder for tag name. If you need to display ~ character in pages, insert ~~ (two consecutive tildes).

  • pagination (boolean, optional)
    posts_per_page (integer, optional)

    pagination Determines if pagination will be used while building post lists. If set to true, each post list will be split into pages, and each page will have at most posts_per_page post entries.

    Default values of pagination and posts_per_page are false and 5, respectively.

  • preview_length (2-tuple or integer, optional)

    Note (soft-deprecated)

    It is recommended to use the new Preview Text Generator Plugin, which was introduced in Serum v1.5.0 and is more powerful than using this built-in feature.

    A value which sets the maximum number of characters in the preview text of each blog post. Defaults to 200.

    You may set the value in the following formats. Any invalid values will result in empty preview texts.

    # Or
    {:chars, number}

    Maximum number of characters in a preview text.

    {:words, number}

    Maximum number of words in a preview text.

    {:paragraphs, number}

    Maximum number of paragraphs in a preview text. Serum counts the number of <p> tags in a generated HTML content.


    It is recommended to explicitly set this property to zero if you are not going to use preview texts, as by doing so some unnecessary HTML processing can be skipped.


  • plugins (list, optional)

    Plugins extend the functionality of Serum by altering source data, intermediate data, or final outputs during the build process.

    The documentation for Serum.Plugin module describes what Serum plugins are, how to use them, and how to create your own Serum plugin.

  • theme (atom, optional)

    A theme is a set of predefined templates and assets that helps you quickly setup the look and feel of your website. Read the documentation for Serum.Theme module to learn more about Serum themes.