
A simple static website generator

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Sitemap Generator Plugin

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Use Serum.Plugins.SitemapGenerator Plugin to generate a sitemap.xml file. This file can later be used to help search engines index your blog posts.

This plugin is included in the serum package, so you don’t need to add an extra dependency to use this plugin.

# serum.exs:
  server_root: "",
  plugins: [
    {Serum.Plugins.SitemapGenerator, only: :prod}

By default, this plugin generates sitemap entries only for your blog posts. You can change this behavior by setting the :for option.

# serum.exs:
  plugins: [
    # Generate sitemap entries only for pages.
    {Serum.Plugins.SitemapGenerator, args: [for: [:pages]]}

    # Same as above.
    {Serum.Plugins.SitemapGenerator, args: [for: :pages]}

    # Generate sitemap entries for both pages and posts
    {Serum.Plugins.SitemapGenerator, args: [for: [:pages, :posts]]}