
A simple static website generator

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Mix Tasks

About 4 minutes to read

Once you have installed Serum locally in your project, you now have the access to Serum’s functionalities through Mix tasks. Use these Mix tasks to build, test, and manage your Serum project.


All Mix tasks described below may output texts with colors, using ANSI escape sequences, when the standard output is directly connected to a terminal. Use the --color option to let Serum always print colored texts. If you don’t want colored outputs, use the --no-color option instead.

serum - Prints all Serum Tasks

$ mix serum

This Mix task simply prints a list of all Serum-related Mix tasks currently available. This task does not take any command line argument.

If you want to read the help text for a specific task, for example, run mix help - Creates a New Serum Project

$ mix [--force] <PATH>

A new Serum project will be created at the given PATH. PATH cannot be omitted and it must start with a lowercase ASCII letter, followed by zero or more lowercase ASCII letters, digits, or underscores.

This task will fail if PATH already exists and is not empty. This behavior will be overridden if the task is executed with a --force option.

This Mix task is not part of Serum; it’s provided by serum_new package, which is usually installed in your home directory, to make the task accessible from anywhere.

Read Project Structure document to see which files and directories are created during the initialization process.

Required Argument

  • PATH

    A path where the new Serum project will be created.


  • --force

    Forces the initialization of new project on a non-empty directory. Any existing files may be overwritten without any warning. - Creates a New Serum Theme Project

$ mix [--force] <PATH>

A new Serum theme project will be created at the given PATH. The required argument and option are the same as those of task. - Builds the Current Serum Project

$ mix [(-o|--output) PATH]

The website will be built into PATH if -o(--output) PATH option is given, otherwise /path/to/project/site directory.

If the output directory exists and is not empty, all files and directories under that directory will be deleted before the build process begins. However, any files or directories which names start with a dot (.) are preserved, as they may contain important information such as version control-related data.


  • -o(--output) (string)

    Specifies the output directory. Defaults to /path/to/project/site.

serum.server - Starts the Development Server

$ mix serum.server [(-p|--port) PORT]

This task builds the current Serum project at a temporary directory, and starts the development server. The server uses the port 8080 by default.


  • -p(--port) (integer)

    Use a specific port instead of 8080. This is useful when the default port is not available for use.

Server Commands

Once the development server has successfully started, you can interact with the server by typing commands. Available commands are:

  • build - Rebuilds current project.

  • open - Opens the website in the default web browser of your desktop environment. This command may not work properly on some rare systems.

  • quit - Stops the development server and quit.

    You can also send EOF to stop the server, by pressing Ctrl + D on UNIX-based systems.


Please make sure you type the quit command to stop the development server. Pressing Ctrl + C causes unclean exit, leaving the temporary directory not removed. - Adds a New Page

$ mix (-t|--title) TITLE (-o|--output) OUTPUT [Options]

Required Options

  • -t(--title) (string)

    Title of the new page.

  • -o(--output) (string)

    The path where the new page will be saved, relative to pages/ directory. It must end with one of .md, .html, or .html.eex.

Other Options

  • -l(--label) (string)

    Label of the new page. Defaults to the page title.

  • -g(--group) (string)

    Name of a group the new page belongs to.

  • -r(--order) (integer)

    The order of the new page in a group. Defaults to 0. - Adds a New Blog Post

$ mix (-t|--title) TITLE (-o|--output) OUTPUT [Options]

Post date will be automatically set to the moment this task is executed.

Required Options

  • -t(--title) (string)

    Title of the new blog post.

  • -o(--output) (string)

    Name of the generated post file. The actual path to the generated file will be in the form of posts/YYYY-MM-DD-<OUTPUT>.md.

Other Options

  • -g(--tag) (string)

    Tag(s) of the new post. You can provide this option zero or more times to give multiple tags to the post.