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Includes are special kind of EEx templates which can be included into other templates or includes. This document explains how to create and use includes in your Serum projects.

Creating a new include file

All includes should be saved under includes/ directory, and its format is almost the same as regular template’s. For example, if you want to create an include file for the navigation area of your website, you can name the template includes/nav.html.eex, and its content would look like this:

    <li><a href="<%= base() %>">Home</a>
    <li><a href="<%= page "about" %>">About Me</a>

Including contents

You can now include this template in other templates, such as templates/base.html.eex, by using include/1 template helper macro. Calls to the include/1 macro will be expanded into actual contents when the calling template or include is being compiled.

    ... <%= include "nav" %> ...

Note that the argument passed to include/1 macro is the name of the include file without .html.eex extension.

Limitations of include/1

Due to the nature of the compile-time include expansion, self or cyclic inclusion is intentionally not allowed. That is, these following files will fail to compile:


  <!-- Self inclusion -->
  <%= include "self-include" %>

<div class="depth-1">
  <%= include "cycle-2" %>

<div class="depth-2">
  <!-- Cyclic inclusion -->
  <%= include "cycle-1" %>

These includes won’t cause infinite loops though, because Serum will abort the build when such cycles are detected. If you want to get recursive content structures using includes, try using the render/2 template helper which is described below.

Dynamically rendering contents

There is one more way to make use of your includes: The render/2 template helper. Unlike include/1, which expands the included contents during the template compilation time, this helper dynamically renders contents of your includes while your templates are being rendered into HTML documents.

The render/2 helper expects the same argument which include/1 does, but you can optionally pass one more argument, args. args should be a keyword list and it acts like “arguments” to the rendered template.

For example, there is a template fragment includes/add.html.eex:

num1 = @args[:num1]
num2 = @args[:num2]
  <%= num1 %> + <%= num2 %> = <%= num1 + num2 %>

Then you can render this template in another templates or includes:

<%= render "add", num1: 10, num2: 20 %>

Finally the resulting HTML document will look like this:

  10 + 20 = 30

The benefits of this template helper compared to render/1 is that you can introduce some variations to the rendered template fragment based on the contents of a page or a blog post which is being rendered. Also, it is possible to build recursive content structures by creating an include file which renders itself within the template.


number = @args[:number]
max = @args[:max_number]
  <p><%= number %><p>
  <%= if number < max do %>
    <%= render "recursive", number: number + 1, max_number: max %>
  <% end %>

The resulting HTML content will look like this:


You need to write this kind of includes with caution, since Serum will enter an infinite loop while rendering your templates if your includes are not carefully written.